
Indirect NuGet packages - solution for Runtime Packages

15:30 - 16:15 Ferrum (280) Back to event schedule

If we are talking about NuGet and Business Central, we need to think about Runtime Packages. What are the caveats and how we can solve them? I will try to answer this question for you...


Kamil Sáček

MVP, Product Development Manager at NAVERTICA a.s.

Kamil has more than 30 years of experience with software development and IT in general. In year 2001, after finishing university, he joined the NAV world in NAVERTICA company as NAV developer. Having wide area of knowledge in programming languages and connected areas is helping him to understand “how it works” and is giving him background for solving different tasks.
Last years he is working more with GIT, Powershell and Azure DevOps.

Kamil is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) since the year 2004.