Terms and conditions

Directions for Partners - TERMS AND CONDITIONS

This version of Direction for Partners/Events Central Terms and Conditions ( “Terms of Service”) is effective as of  2023-11-01.


By ticking “I agree”, registering to or attending any of the Directions for Partners events, conferences or online activities, you acknowledge that you have read these terms and conditions and agree to be bound by it.


If you do not have the authority to accept these terms and conditions (e.g. on behalf of the legal entity you represent) or you do not agree to any of the terms and conditions thereof, you are not entitled to attend our events.


We reserve the right to modify and update these terms and conditions at any time. The most current version of our terms and conditions can be reviewed by clicking on “Terms & Conditions” link located at the bottom of Directions for Partner Website. It is your responsibility to check the Terms of Service regularly.


These Terms & Conditions (“Terms”) apply to all events, conference and online activities that are organized by Directions for Partners and govern your online registration, attendance, sponsorship and/or participation at our activities.



We are Events Central Aps a company incorporated under laws of Denmark with company registration number 39716763, whose registered office is at Aagade 21, 4., 9000 Aalborg, Denmark  (defined as “we”, “us”, “our”, “Directions for Partners”, “DfP”).  We are the organizers of events, conferences and online activities, including Directions EMEA and Directions ASIA, , Days of Knowledge events and community activities aimed at Microsoft Dynamics industry.



For questions about registration or assistance with any registration problems, please contact us at info@directions4partners.com.   




Attendee registrations will not be approved until the full and complete payment is received and processed. Registration is deemed completed, when you receive our confirmation of your attendance via email. We will send a confirmation (or rejection, if the case) at the e-mail address that you provided during registration.

Please verify that your payment has been completed and that you received a confirmation email from us before you commit to any travel arrangements. Directions for Partners reserve the right to refuse any person to attendee a Directions for Partners event or conference at their sole discretion.




Sponsorship registrations will not be approved until the full and complete payment is received and processed. Registration is deemed completed, when you receive our confirmation of your sponsorship attendance via email. We will send a confirmation (or rejection, if the case) at the e-mail address that you provided during registration.

Please verify that your payment has been completed and that you received a confirmation email from us before you commit to any organizational or travel arrangements.

All sponsor benefits are invalid until written approvement from Directions for Partners.

The total accepted number of sponsors in the various categories can be limited based on the capacity of the venue, therefore, registrations will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis.

You will need to comply at all times with the rules and regulations imposed by the venue.

For all items that will be produced by the event organization, sponsors will be sent an overview of the various formats and deadlines. Not complying with these formats and deadlines might cause delay or loss of the sponsor opportunity in question.

The event organizers will in this case always try to find the best solution acting reasonably; however extra costs will be mentioned and, after a commitment from the sponsor, charged. If no satisfying solution can be found, the sponsor opportunity will be lost. In such case, the Event organization will use any alternative to fill the gap.

Directions for Partners will endeavor to find the best possible way to give Sponsors the chance to select the opportunities, such as Booth, Presentation track or branding spot, in an order of Payment receiving However, the final selection is done by the event organizer.

Additional terms for Sponsors:

·        Sponsors are not allowed to establish an extra Wireless Network for demonstrations.

·        Additional orders On-Site will, in cooperation with the event organizer, be placed directly at the venue or local vendor, or be managed by the Event organizer.

·        Directions for Partners reserve the right to refuse companies to sponsor a Directions for Partners event at their sole discretion.


Email communication and spam filters

Directions for Partners cannot be responsible for your spam filters blocking your confirmation email. Please be sure spam filters will allow mail from the event coordinator/website administration to receive confirmation letters and other important information in timely manner.



The default payment for attendee registration method is Credit Card. As an alternative, wire transfer based on invoice is also acceptable. Regardless of the payment method chosen, approval will depend on the Payment being processed and received by us.

All prices and fees are exclusive of VAT/GST or similar sales taxes, or any other local charges.



If you are registering on behalf of another person it is your obligation to make sure that the person attending is aware of these Terms and accepts them. By completing and submitting the registration form you are representing and warranting that you have made the person attending aware of these Terms and that they have accepted these Terms.



Where tickets are purchased by a legal company, it is possible to transfer the attendee ticket to another person representing the same legal entity provided that we receive your request and confirm it. Unless otherwise agreed by us in writing, reselling or otherwise transferring your ticket, not in accordance with the terms, will void the ticket and the ticket holder will not gain entry into the event.



Travel and Accommodations Costs

Regardless of the type of participation (attendee, speaker or sponsor), accommodation and travel costs are not included in the evet registration fee and it is yours (or your employers, as agreed between you) responsibility.  We will provide hotel suggestions or a link to a dedicated booking site to assist you with finding options for your stay. The choice of accommodation is your sole responsibility and we are not liable for any matters related to travel, accommodation or related matters.


Visa requirements

It is your sole responsibility to take care of visa requirements, a valid passport and other necessary documentation for entrance into the country the event is taking place. If you require an entry visa to attend, volunteer or exhibit at the event, you must allow sufficient time for the visa application procedure. In the event you are not granted a visa or fail to obtain valid travel documents or are not permitted to travel, we are under no obligation to refund your ticket unless you qualify for refund under these Terms or applicable law.



We, in our sole discretion, and without any liability or obligation to refund, reserve the right to refuse admittance to or to eject from our events anyone that we determine:

·        is behaving in a manner that could disrupt, hinder or cause a nuisance to an event or the enjoyment of any other person or partner at our event.

·        represents a security or health & safety risk to the events or to any person or partner; and/or

·        fails to comply with, or is likely to fail to comply with applicable laws, terms of the venue, and these Terms.


In addition to these Terms, you agree and acknowledge your responsibility to comply with the rules an deregulations imposed by the venue where the respective event takes place.



·        Some Events will allow only Dynamics Partners (Directions events). Any registrant who is not a Dynamics Partner employee or specifically exempt by Directions for Partners, may be refused entrance to/escorted out from these events without any

·        No side events are allowed during the event session hours without the permission of the Event organization.

o    Violation fee is EUR 5,000.

·        No spreading of marketing flyers, giveaways or placing banners, except at your own exhibition table/booth; or in a dedicated area appointed by the Event organization.

o    Violation fee is EUR 2,000.

·        No children, under the age of 18, are allowed at the event or during receptions/ theme

·        Last-minute substitution of attendees must always be also reported to the organizing personnel.



We will publish and update our actual information on the Event website and in the Actual Event App.

We try to make sure that the Event programmes, speakers, topics and venues and dates are correct at the time of publishing. We reserve the right to make substitutions, alterations, postponements, or cancellations to the content, format, themes, name, performers, hosts, moderators, venue, timing or dates of a event. We reserve the right to do so at any time and will not be liable to you for any cost incurred by you as a result (including, without limitation, travel, accommodation and other expenses).

We will notify you as soon as reasonably practicable of any substitutions, postponements, or changes by posting the updated information on the Event website homepage.



It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of Directions to alter:

o    The content and timing of the event,

o    The choice of Speakers,

o    The Event dates or

o    The venue.


If the Event is postponed, for any reason, we will provide you with a substitute ticket to the Event on the rescheduled date. We do not provide refunds if the Event is postponed.

In the unlikely event of the event being canceled (and not postponed), Directions for Partners will refund you the registration fee.


In the unlikely event of cancellation of a event, our total aggregate liability to you is limited to the refund of paid fees that remain after credit card and payment processing fees have been incurred and deducted, and we will not be liable to you for any expenditure, damage or loss incurred by you as a result of the cancellation.



As an attendee, you may cancel your attendance and receive a full refund from us provided that we receive a notice of cancellation no later than 60 (sixty) days before the start of the event.

You can always create a substitute by only making amendment on your account on our registration.

As a sponsor, you may cancel your participated and request a refund provided that we receive a notice of cancellation no later than 90 (ninety) days before the start of the event. Cancellations less than 90 days before the event is not refunded.

Should we be unable to perform any obligations under this Agreement due to causes or circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including any war or threatened war, terrorism or threatened terrorism, fire, flood, drought, communal disease, strike, lockout or actions of the venue, we will not be liable to you for this.



By attending an event you acknowledge and agree that the event (or any part of it) may be photographed or recorded by us or our partners. You agree to permit us, or any third party licensed by us, to use, distribute, broadcast, or otherwise globally disseminate your likeness, name, job title, company name, voice and words in television, radio, film, newspapers, magazines and other media now available and hereafter developed, both before, during and any time after the event, and in any form, without any further approval from you or any payment to you. This grant includes, but is not limited to, the right to edit the media, the right to use the media (alone or together with other information), and the right to allow others to use or distribute the media. Upon request DfP will remove/anonymize individuals.

You may not record and distribute session content without approval from DfP.



You are responsible for arranging your own appropriate insurance cover in connection with your attendance or exhibition at an Event. We and our related companies will not be liable for any injury or damage to any person or to any real or personal property however caused (except for any type of liability that cannot by law be excluded or limited).

We are not liable for loss or damage to personal property during any of our events or activities.



Event Badges are personal may be used only for the intended participant and cannot be used by anybody else or more than one person.

For security and identification reasons, we require all delegates to display around their neck or wrist (whichever the case) the official event lanyard/wristband containing their badge during the entire Event.



The “Directions Events App” will contain your event registration profile and, if consented, your profile will be discoverable and visible in the app to other Event delegates. Your event profile may include your name, job title, company name and a profile photo (“Event Profile”). By using the app you agree to the website terms and conditions and our privacy policy.



We are committed to protecting your personal information. These Terms include and incorporate by reference our privacy policy, which explains the types of information collected, stored, shared and processed in connection with our events and services, and  how and why we use such information, who we share it with and your legal rights.

Please note that participant contact details will be kept on the Directions for Partners database, which will be used by Directions for Partners for future contact or relevant event and community communication, unless you requested deletion of your information in accordance with our privacy policy.

Credit card information will NOT be stored by Directions for Partners.

·        The e-mail addresses will also be used to circulate last-minute details and announcements of future Directions for Partners Events.

·        If you would like your record to be deleted after the event, please notify Directions4Partners by email info@directions4partners.com



All intellectual property rights in and to the events, content, and all materials distributed at or in connection with the event are owned by us, our related companies, and/or the event sponsors or speakers attending the event. You must not reproduce or allow anyone to reproduce trademarks or materials distributed by or on behalf of us at a event for any reason, without our prior written permission.


Nothing in these Terms shall vest in you any legal or beneficial right in or to any intellectual property rights, including trademarks, owned or used under license by us or our related companies, or grant to you any right or licence to any other intellectual property rights of us or our related companies. All such intellectual property rights shall remain the exclusive property of us and our related companies.

It is strictly forbidden for any company, organisation, or person to attempt to host or organise any event in conjunction with, contiguous to or purporting to be related to an event or its affiliates without our express prior permission and cooperation of us.



You acknowledge and agree that views expressed by speakers at or in connection with the Event are their own (or the legal entity’s they represent) and Directions for Partners do not accept any responsibility or liability for any advice given, information or views expressed during or in connection with the Event.

Materials shared or distributed at or in connection with the Event are intended for information purposes only and should not be relied upon by you or others. We and our related companies do not provide any guarantees, conditions or warranties that the materials are complete or accurate and do not accept any responsibility or liability for reliance by you or any person on any aspect of the Event  and/or any information provided at the Event



Directions for Partners will not be liable to you for any other costs or losses, whether direct or indirect. In any event our liability to you for any cause is limited to the fee of your entrance fee or sponsorship.

To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law:

(a) Directions for Partners shall not be liable to you whether, in contract, tort (including for negligence), misrepresentation, or otherwise for any indirect damages, including but not limited, to loss of profits, loss of agreements or contracts; loss of income; loss of opportunity; loss of or damage to goodwill; loss of use or corruption of software, data or information; for any other indirect or consequential loss or expenses, however, arising under or in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of the Terms, even if we had been advised of the possibility of same in advance; and

(b) our total aggregate liability in contract, tort (including negligence), misrepresentation, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of the Terms is limited to the total amount paid by you to us for your ticket to participate and access the Event, after the payment of any processing fees or bank charges applicable.

Nothing in these Terms purports to exclude or limit liability for any fraudulent statement or act or in respect of any liability that cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.



Directions for Partners will not be liable for any loss, damage or delay resulting from any unavoidable, unforeseeable cause whatsoever beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, fire, flood, action or decree of civil or military authority, insurrection, act of war, terrorism, labor disputes or shortages, material shortages, failure of suppliers, or embargo. It is further agreed that in case the event venue shall be destroyed by fire or the elements, or by any other cause, or in case of government intervention or regulation, military activity, strikes, or any other circumstances that make it impossible or inadvisable for Directions for Partners to hold the event or portion thereof at the time and place herein provided then and there upon this agreement shall terminate and Exhibitor and Attendee shall and does hereby waive any claim for property or other damages or compensation except the pro rata return on the amount paid after deduction of actual expenses incurred in connection with  Directions for Partners and there shall be no further liability on the part of either party.



These Terms apply to you from the date of publishing and until these Terms are superseded by a new version. We may update these Terms at any time for legal or regulatory reasons, or to reflect changes in our services or business practices. Any amended Terms will be posted on our website under “Terms & Conditions”.

Whenever possible, each provision of these Terms shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision shall be prohibited or considered invalid, such provision shall be ineffective only to the extent of such prohibi­tion or invalidity and shall not invalidate the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of these Terms that shall continue in full force and effect.



In addition to the foregoing, we do not tolerate bullying or harassment of event participants in any form, including, but not limited to:

·        Making verbal or written comments that reinforce social structures of domination related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age and/religion;

·        Engaging in deliberate intimidation;

·        Stalking or persistent following;

·        Cyberbullying;

·        Facilitating sustained disruption of engagements;

·        Instigating inappropriate contact or unwelcome attention.

·        Any other activities that breach applicable law or socially acceptable norms.

We also have zero tolerance for actions or behaviour that impact an event participants’ safety and wellbeing, including, but not limited to:

·        Facilitating or promoting any violence or criminal behaviour;

·        Violating privacy or image privacy rights of others;

·        Using content that is hateful, harmful or graphic;

·        Engaging in behaviour or actions that are considered self-threatening or threatening others.

·        Any other activities that breach applicable law or socially acceptable norms.

The above-mentioned actions are not permitted in any of our event environments, including talks and engagements, networking activities, such as workshops, meetings and other online conversations.. We review both first-person and bystander reports of violations of anti-harassment terms.

If a participant engages in the above-mentioned behaviour, the event organisers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the event with no refund. Participants asked to stop any harassing behaviour are expected to comply immediately. We may take action against a particular contribution or on an account basis by removing a particular post or message or by temporarily or permanently suspending access to a user.

If you are experiencing or witnessing anything that violates this policy, or have any other concerns, please contact event staff immediately via the below form or via info@directions4partners.com

For questions or feedback regarding this statement, please contact info@directions4partners.com.


By clicking 'Accept All' you consent that we may collect information about you for various purposes, including: Functionality, Statistics and Marketing