
Business Central is a "Tool" --"Nothing more"--

11:30 - 12:15 Wind Back to event schedule

BC can easy be a "Broken tool" if the setup is not done correctly. But the setup is never as good as it's company processes, if company internal process is not clearly defined the setup will fail and the users will find workarounds and then the "System is broken tool" and if we skip link's in the chain it will fail.

The session is about how think and understand the company processes and then think about it when setting up BC in three different parts to answer and come with ideas about.

Complex setup in BC is easy to do becuase the processes in the company is complex and not "boild down" the question is how to get the process down to "a paper" so it's more easy to understand and see for the users, the question is way do we put it on "a paper"?

Data input from it's users into BC is never better then the users and the users is never as good as the company processes. We often talk about Automation and AI in BC but the reality in most company is small to medium so a lot of data input is done manually by hand from the different users so changes to workflow and process can be easy but also hard, "it's unfortunately a paradox".

When setting up BC question about the feature process and how to develop them in the company will always be importend and how the changes will be maed is importend so the setup not will only work now but also into the feature.


Fredrik Gulich

Business Central Application Specialist

Business Central Application Specialist