
Real-life examples how to customize Dynamics 365 BC integration with Dynamics 365 Sales

14:00 - 14:45 Air Back to event schedule

Dynamics 365 Business Central standard integration with Dynamics 365 Sales is powerful and covers many basic requirements. However, sometimes, you may need to customize the integration to suit your specific business needs. In this session, you will learn how to customize the integration to cover some real-life scenarios:

- Implement custom transfer field processes to handle complex data types and validations, e.g. optional Bill-to Customer for Sales Orders.
- Enable multi-company integration for custom entities by using the CompanyId field
- Customize the status and state of CRM invoices
- Synchronize countries

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Tomas Kapitan

Fusion5 Business Solutions

Tomas has been working with Dynamics NAV & Business Central since his University studies. He started his journey as a NAV developer but quickly moved to a lead role. For the last few years, he has been leading new developers on their way to understanding both C/AL & AL languages and core Business Central processes. He is very passionate about how to work with data using modern D365 products. He is a huge fan of all open-source programs, including the base/system app ones.

He's currently living in Brisbane, Qld, Australia and enjoying the neverending summer.