
10 Telemetry Tips That Will Boost Your Dynamics 365 Business Central Troubleshooting

18:00 - 18:45 Coral 1/2 Back to event schedule

When it comes to observe overall or specific performance behavior with Dynamics 365 Business Central, telemetry has all you need.
But sailing in the ocean of signals might be difficult if you do not know how to interpret the winds and streams.

Come join this session to find out 10 real-life telemetry useful tips that could help you found out performance bottlenecks or specific resource-greedy development.
From the UX responsiveness, up to connecting long running AL methods and SQL Statement together. Having Fun is complimentary.


Duilio Tacconi

Performance Specialist at EOS Solutions Group. Microsoft MCT and Author.

Microsoft MCT and Author.

In the ERP business with Microsoft and non-Microsoft technologies since 1998. Truly passionate about Microsoft Dynamics NAV / 365 Business Central since 2004. It was love at first sight with a NAV 3.70 A (yes, A. Not B).

Former Microsoft Employee as Sr. Escalation Engineer in the technical area for 15 years: from 2008 to 2023. I have helped many good fellas all over the world resolving issues with the product (roughly 5K+ support requests handled in all of these years).

Currently implementing processes to analyze performance data through telemetries and other tools to get insights how to boost up customer businesses. Also involved in continuous update of online and on-premises customers and internal /external readiness.