4 uk
21-22 March, 2024

Days of Knowledge UK 2024

Days of Knowledge is a Directions for Partners event focused on educating consultants and developers, sharing knowledge and upgrading Business Central professionals to enable quality customer solutions. Training and acquiring knowledge are the magic words at Days of Knowledge.


Create and Publish your first HR CoPilot(PVA) in less than 30 mins

16:15 - 17:00 Screen 11 Back to event schedule

In this session, we will look at how we can create our first CoPilot (previously known as PowerVirtual Agent) Chat Bot.
For this demo, we are going to create a simple HR Chat Bot, is able to answer our employees HR's related questions.


Samir Daoudi

Microsoft MVP - PowerPlatform Architect & Founder of LogiSam

Microsoft MVP in the category of Business Applications - PowerApps.
I am a certified PowerPlatform Architect (MCSE) and have more than 13 Years experience with Microsoft Technologies Stack.
I have +18 Microsoft Certifications, and I've been specializing in Microsoft PowerPlatform for the last 5 years.
I blog regularly via my personal blog https://www.samtech365.com