
Power Apps - Azure Dev Ops Integration - Source Code Control

15:30 - 16:15 Galaxy 1 Back to event schedule

In this session we will look at how we can use Azure DevOps with PowerApps for source control & CI/CD. We will look at version controls and the ability to track Power Apps changes using the Azure DevOps Repositories and branches.


Samir Daoudi

Microsoft MVP - PowerPlatform Architect & Founder of LogiSam

Microsoft MVP in the category of Business Applications - PowerApps. I am a certified PowerPlatform Architect (MCSE) and have more than 13 Years experience with Microsoft Technologies Stack. I have +18 Microsoft Certifications, and I've been specializing in Microsoft PowerPlatform for the last 5 years. I blog regularly via my personal blog https://www.samtech365.com